MoreSpace FAQ

What is your phone number?

Rancho Cordava, CA: 916.635.6060

What are your office hours?

Rancho Cordava, CA: Open 7 Days / Week from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Where is your facility located?

Rancho Cordava, CA is located at 11330 Amalgam Way, Rancho Cordava, CA 95670

When can I access my unit?

Rancho Cordava, CA: We offer 24-hour access for vehicle Drop off and Pickup, as long as you notify us during office hours.

What is drive-up access?

Drive-up access allows you to drive your vehicle right up to your unit door. It makes moving belongings in and out of your unit much easier.

What's the best way to pay my bill?

You can pay at our facility or send your payment through the mail, but we also offer online bill payment so you can pay whenever and from wherever it's most convenient for you.

Do you offer vehicle storage options?

Yes! We offer parking options for your RV, boat, and other vehicle storage needs. This is a great option for anyone who wants to regain use of their driveway at home or for businesses with company vehicles that they don't need to use daily.

Do you use security cameras?

Yes, our facilities are equipped with security cameras. It helps us keep an eye on activity at our facilities day and night. We take a hands-on approach to keeping our facilities safe, and this is one of the ways we monitor our properties.

What's the best way to pick the right unit size?

Our storage calculator is an easy and time-saving way to choose the perfect unit size for you.